Developing Strategic and Business Plans

Duration: 2 Days

Entrepreneurs that want to grow their businesses need to plan. Taking your business to the next level is not a simple task. It involves extensive thinking, research and planning in order to ensure that your business is headed in the right direction. To achieve optimum growth organisations rely on two important types of business plans, namely, Strategic plans and Business plans. This course is aimed at helping delegates understand the need for strategic and business plans when trying to achieve organisational growth. Delegates will gain a deeper understanding of what these plans entail and how to develop them for their own business.

Course Outcomes

• Become equipped with skills to assist in achieving organisational growth.
• Gain a better understanding of strategic and business plans.
• Strengthen your businesses strategy for organisational growth through clearly defined goals.
• Understand the importance of strategic and business plans.
• Develop well-thought-out strategic plans for your /> • Understand the various components of a business plan.
• Develop a well-thought-out business plan for your business.

Who should attend:

• Small business owners.
• Managers
• Employees involved in the growth of the organisation.