Finance for Entrepreneurs and Business Units

Duration: 2 Days

It is imperative for entrepreneurs to be able to manage the finances of their business. Not knowing how your organisations money is being spent can lead to huge financial implications and loss. Dealing with finances might not be everyone’s forte but every entrepreneur must at least be equipped with basic financial skills to ensure that their business is making a profit. This course is aimed at helping small business owners understand the basics of costs involved in running a business. It covers various topics that provide introductory knowledge to help entrepreneurs create realistic budgets and spend their money wisely. Delegates will be equipped with basic financial skills to assist them in making good business decisions and staying debt free.

Course Outcomes

• Gain basic financial skills to assist with better handling of company finances.
• An overview of basic financial terms.
• Understanding what is involved acquiring credit.
• Understand the fundamentals of budgeting and spending money wisely.
• Becoming better equipped to avoid debt.
• Learn cost cutting tips.
• Gain knowledge on what is involved in paying tax.
• Gain knowledge on what is involved in paying VAT.
• Gain a better understanding on PAYE.
• Discover the purpose of paying UIF.
• Understanding the skills development levy.

Who should attend:

• Entrepreneurs
• Employees working in a finance department.
• Employees looking to be upskilled in finance.