Introduction to Governance Process

Duration: 2 Days

Good corporate governance ensures that good business decisions are made. Organisations should have effective policies and procedures in place so that every employee knows the standards and guidelines by which they must work. Without these there will be no accuracy, consistency or accountability in the organisation. This course is aimed at helping organisations develop effective governance processes that will help embellish the reputation of the company and contribute to its overall success.

Course Outcomes

• Gain a better understanding of a business’ obligation within society.
• Understand what is meant by governance in order to implement it within the organisation.
• Develop more effective policies and procedures for the organisation by incorporating governance process.
• Gain more control and structure within the organisation.
• Become more reputable and appealing towards potential investors due to having a high ethical standard.
• Consider the advantages and challenges that come with implementing governance in the organisation.
• Improve your ability to balance personal and business ethics.
• Become better equipped to deal with ethical dilemmas in the organisation.
• Develop and improve a code of ethics for the organisation.
• Understand the purpose of company audits.
• Develop standards to determine how to deal with unethical behaviour within the organisation.
• Understand the pillars of good governance.

Who should attend:

• Management
• Employees that are involved in implementing governance processes in the organisation.
• Anyone looking to improve their understanding of governance.